GaN Systems Space & Hi Rel Articles

Wireless Charger with 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) transistors

AirFuel Alliance adds 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)

Above image: 250 W wireless charging device from the Imperial College London runs with 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)’ GaN transistors at 6.78 and 13.56 MHz. 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)’ enables high voltage, high power wireless charging OTTAWA, Ontario, January 16, 2017 – 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), the industry-leading enabler of high voltage, high current, and high-frequency wireless charging,…

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以下这篇文章由Achim Scharf撰写并出版于2016年11月期的 Power Electronics Europe上. 根据市场研究员Yole, 2015-2016是氮化镓能源交易的活跃年,经过多次的波动,如今600伏特的氮化镓在市场上已经商业流通。氮化镓搭载IC首次亮相为氮化镓制造企业打开新的市场前景。氮化镓能源交易预计在2021年达到2.8亿美元,并且2015年到2021年,年均复合增长率(CAGR)达到86%。当前市场正受到新兴应用的推动,包括为数据库和电信提供能源补给,AC快充,汽车光学雷达,封包追踪,无线能源。 “在数字领域摩尔定律已经被打破,每18个月在芯片上晶体管的数量成倍增加,但是在电力能源领域氮化镓的研究才刚刚开始” EPC首席执行官Alex Lidow指出,“氮化镓是硅在能量转化和模拟设备,也有可能是数字组件上的逻辑技术传承。我们距离理论上氮化镓极限的800倍,这项技术能够整合达到NMOS的水平。” “在过去的几年中,已经出现了大量的强大的发展和关键的合作,这是一个充满希望和高速发展的行业。” Yole ( 的技术与市场分析师Hong Lin评论道。值得一提的是集成设备技术 (,高效电源转换 (,Infineon科技 ( 和松下 (, Exagan ( 和德国Xfab (, 台湾积体电路制造公司 ( 和 GaN Systems ( 台积电是最早同时提供6英寸大小微型芯片中100伏和650伏的氮化镓的制造服务公司。将氮化镓从能源半导体市场带入到更大的IC市场的想法引起了其他几家公司的兴趣。例如EPC和GaN Systems都在研究更集成的解决方案。同时Texas Instruments (在2015年宣布了80V能量级和2016年宣布了600V能量级。到2016年末快速的发展让用户不仅能从EPC购买低电压氮化镓(<200V),也可以从其他公司购买高电压(600V/650V)组件,包括Transphorm(,GaN Systems和Infineon / Panasonic。Visic(于2016年9月宣布了1200 V电源模块。VisIC Technologies, Ltd. 总部位于以色列Nes Ziona,于2020年由氮化镓技术专家们建立起来。氮化镓模块典型导通电阻低至0.04Ω。目标应用是作为交换器用于电机驱动器、三相能源补充和其他需要电流切换达到50A的应用。“这项技术支持减少的栅极电荷和电容,同时又不会失去低RDS(ON)的优势,可提供低至140J的超低最大开关能量。交换损耗比SIC MOSFET低三到五倍。在九月这家公司也推出了一款新的12A氮化镓交换器,这种交换器采用了更小、导通电阻为0.080Ω的底部冷却包装。 一家新公司Navitas Semiconductor(于2016年3月在APEC上及随后在欧洲举行的PCIM 2016上发布了其基于Hughes Lab技术(的650 V GaN电源IC。“氮化镓已经做好了市场准备,我们正在整合以前未整合的东西。” 首席技术官Dan Kinzer表示。该公司设计了具备集成栅极驱动器的完全集成氮化镓IC,采用了5mm x 6mm QFN封装。“这种电子模式的设备特征是驱动损耗比硅要低20倍,驱动器的阻值也跟能量级匹配。同样,将近0的传感也导致了极低的转化损耗——我们的650V工艺允许损耗频率高达27和40MHz!转化不是极限而是磁性。”根据Kinzer所说的,这种设备用作500V同步整流器。 AllGaN™是第一个允许将650…

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Power Electronics Change the Automotive World

This article was originally published as an editorial in the November issue of Power Electronics Europe by editor Achim Scharf. Electronica 2016 in Munich is an example how electronics, particularly in the automotive industry, will change the world. Moving toward a longer-term goal, vehicles are on a path to become fully electric, reducing fossil fuel…

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A Basis for Extremely Small GaN Power Transistors

This article originally appeared in in German. Below is a rough translation into English followed by the original German text. The new generation of power transistors, developed by 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), here the GS66508B model, is even more compact than AT&S’s ECP technology. AT&S’s Embedded Component Technology (ECP) creates the prerequisites for the realization…

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GaN Transistors Unleash Wireless Power Transfer (WPT)

In this episode of PSDtv, originally recorded by Alix Paultre,  CEO Jim Witham takes us through 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)’ booth at electronica 2016, held in Munich, Germany this past November. Mr. Witham describes our latest advances and shows examples of how customers are using our latest GaN transistor products in their power systems. Watch on…


Fraunhofer ISE Develops Highly Compact, High-Frequency DC/DC Converter for Aviation Applications

This article was originally published in Semiconductor Today. [Pictured above: Fraunhofer ISE’s resonant DC/DC converters, with a switching frequency of 2.5MHz, as a demonstrator for aeronautical applications. ©Fraunhofer ISE] The efficiency of power electronic systems is not solely dependent on electrical efficiency but also on weight (e.g. in mobile systems). When the weight of relevant…


氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) Launches Comprehensive Evaluation Platform for GaN Transistors

Universal motherboard and four daughterboards help power design engineers to easily evaluate the GaN E-HEMT performance in any system design OTTAWA, Ontario, November 4, 2016 – 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) launches a daughterboard style evaluation kit to help power design engineers easily evaluate the GaN E-HEMT performance in any system design, along with a universal motherboard…

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On Display at electronica 2016 – New Power Systems Exhibit Dramatic Performance Improvements Due to 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)’ Transistors

Commercial inverters, power modules, battery chargers and energy storage systems using GaN are mainstream in transportation, consumer, and industrial applications. OTTAWA, Ontario – November 2, 2016 – Power system companies continue adopting gallium nitride (GaN) transistors in place of silicon IGBTs and MOSFETs. By designing GaN into power systems and modules, customers have launched a…

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New tools for driving GaN E-HEMT transistors

[UPDATE: This product has been selected an EDN Top 100 Product of 2016! The article originally appeared in EDN Tools & Learning as a Product Review.] The world already consumes too much energy. Globally, as the middle class grows, even more energy will be required. Government regulations and increasingly stringent emissions standards compound the need…

氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) 9 transistors 2015-12-01

氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) releases new Application Note highlighting paralleling GaN devices to reach 650V, 240A

GaN transistors exhibit exceptional paralleling capabilities. App Note GN004 is a practical guide to paralleling and layout considerations when designing in high speed GaN HEMT devices. The Note also provides a design example of a 4x paralleled GaN E-HEMT half bridge power stage. Download App Note GN004 Design considerations of paralleled GaN HEMT.