GaN Systems Campaigns Articles

氮化镓系统(GaN Systems)公司推出体积缩小 50% 的250W AC/DC 氮化镓充电器参考设计

新的高功率密度、高效率充电器参考设计,体积减小50%,重量减轻40%,外形纤薄 氮化镓系统(GaN Systems),作为氮化镓功率半导体的全球领导者,今天宣布推出全新的250W AC/DC氮化镓快充参考设计。它具有超高功率密度(16W/in3)和高达96%的峰值效率,外形小巧。这一最新参考设计扩充了氮化镓系统面向消费类电子产品市场的充电器解决方案系列,帮助在缩短设计周期的同时推出更小、更轻、更强大和更高效的充电器。 笔记本电脑在工作和个人使用中都不可或缺。对更强处理能力、图形功能、更好的音频和更多样功能的需求正在推动产生新的设计。笔记本电脑变得更高性能、更轻、更薄的趋势将继续存在。为了将这些趋势变为现实,需要匹配更小、更薄的充电器。   该参考设计为客户提供了完整的解决方案,包括完全组装和经过测试的充电器与技术文档。这款一流的250W、19V直流输出充电器提供先进的多模式PFC和同步整流半桥LLC 拓扑。它使用氮化镓系统的新型8×8毫米PDFN封装GS-065-011-2-L晶体管,非常适合笔记本电脑和游戏本充电器等应用。采用的拓扑具有良好的成本效益,减少了组件数量,并允许轻松定制。 250W参考设计的主要特性: 超薄设计:厚度小于22毫米 高功率密度:尺寸缩小50%,16W/in3 高效率:96%峰值效率 符合EN55032 B类EMI和IEC62368-1安全标准 在40℃环境温度下温升低于45℃ “越来越多的客户正在使用氮化镓系统的参考设计来快速进入市场。”氮化镓系统公司战略营销副总裁Paul Wiener表示:“移动性和便携性是当今生活方式的一部分,推动了对更轻和更小的设备的需求,我预计这款250W适配器将加速氮化镓系统产品在充电器和适配器中的采用。” 访问以下链接了解有关此250W参考设计及其他参考设计的更多信息,或联系氮化镓系统了解详细信息: 65W QR氮化镓充电器 100W双口USB-C智能PD氮化镓充电器 250W AC/D氮化镓适配器  

Podcast: What a Wireless Power Future Will Look Like

Twenty years ago, everything was wired, says Jim Witham, CEO, 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), on this episode of the Insomnicat podcast. The next natural step is to cut the power cord. 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) is making strides in this department toward the future of wireless technology. Bryan and Nicolette chat with Jim, diving into the potential…

Paul Wiener addresses the Airfuel Members Meeting


9月,我参观了世界各地,参加了无线电源会议和客户讨论。 我的第一站是在台湾的ITRI无线电源研讨会,那里的行业专家如分析公司 IHSMarkit 回顾了无线电源的增长以及对未来增长的巨大期望。 此外,我参加了许多有关高频无线电源系统技术优势的演讲。 我发现最有趣的是看到平板扬声器展示了真实的系统-它们如何工作以及实现无线功率传输的优势。 我的旅程继续前往欧洲,参加了 AirFuel Alliance 联盟成员的会议 GaN Systems已经成为联盟的成员三年了,参加了磁共振工作委员会(MRWC)和市场咨询小组(MAP)。 今年,联盟在会员会议上(这始终是一次很棒的学习和社交活动),邀请非会员参加并分享他们对无线电力的兴趣。 很高兴从助听器到电动汽车之中看到如何以多种不同的方式和应用来实现高频无线电力传输。 AirFuel联盟会议的一些要点集中在: 市场单位预测 所有设备:2023年将达到4B Tx,4.8B Rx 非移动:2023年的2B Tx,1.3B Rx AirFuel联盟成员不断增长– 2019年是有史以来增长速度最快的一年 国际标准组织和OEM行动确认,高频是高效无线电力传输的最佳解决方案 在会议上,我有机会演讲了 (GaN Systems)  的 World Without Wires 报告。对不受有线物理连接限制的全球宇宙的想法(从电力运输到工厂自动化机器人到空中运输的无人机和智能电子设备)的响应非常热烈,参加会议的与会者一致认为,网络共享的需求自从电力发明以来没有发展。 现在是进入无线充电新时代的激动人心的时刻,并向我们展示了“没有电线的世界”的现实。 GaN系统战略营销副总裁  Paul Wiener

Article: GaN Transistor Technology to Wirelessly Charge Workplace Robots

This piece by Rob Coppinger was originally published at on September 18, 2019. Robots in the workplace can be wirelessly charged at a distance using Gallium Nitride transistor technology which can cope with the high energy levels needed. With more and more robots and autonomous vehicles in factories and other workplaces, recharging these machines…

A World Without Wires

Smart mobile electronic devices have changed the way that we perceive and interact with the world around us. Electric cars, buses, scooters, and bikes are transforming the face of our urban transportation landscape. Autonomous robots in intelligent factories and aerial drones making deliveries are challenging past preconceptions about the ways that we create and distribute…

Mobility’s Changing Relationship with Data Centers, Robotics, and Materials

Part of The Mobility (R)Evolution series By Jim Witham, CEO at 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), and Uwe Higgen, Managing Partner at BMW i Ventures This is the fourth and final article within the series. Click here to read part 1, “The Transformative Forces of Electrification and Autonomous Driving”.   As autonomous vehicles (AVs) become generators and users of unprecedented quantities of data,…

Addressing the Dual Concerns of ‘Driving Range Angst’ and Ubiquitous Clean Energy Sources

Part of The Mobility (R)Evolution series By Jim Witham, CEO at 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), and Uwe Higgen, Managing Partner at BMW i Ventures This is the third article within the series. Click here to read part 1, “The Transformative Forces of Electrification and Autonomous Driving”.   Charging Networks and Infrastructure Growth in the availability and performances of charging stations is required…

Article: “The Convergence of Automotive Trends: A Conversation with 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) CEO Jim Witham”

This article was originally published on All About Circuits on August 23, 2018 by Kate Smith The automotive landscape is changing rapidly. 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) CEO Jim Witham spoke with AAC about the unique challenges of efficient power in automotive applications and how autonomous vehicles represent a convergence of major trends across the industry. The…

The Impending Mass Market Adoption of Electric and Autonomous Vehicles

Part of The Mobility (R)Evolution series   By Jim Witham, CEO at 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), and Uwe Higgen, Managing Partner at BMW i Ventures This is the second article within the series. Click here to read part 1, “The Transformative Forces of Electrification and Autonomous Driving”. In any industry, an open mindset that enables changes in human attitudes…

The Transformative Forces of Electrification and Autonomous Driving

Part of The Mobility (R)Evolution series   By Jim Witham, CEO at 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), and Uwe Higgen, Managing Partner at BMW i Ventures Few businesses can rival the global auto industry for the way that it has both shaped and reflected important social, cultural and economic trends. And at no time in the industry’s…