GaN Systems Consumer Articles

GaN vs SiC chart

SiC vs GaN Head-to-Head Performance Comparison

A lot of engineers don’t have a good feel for how gallium-nitride FETs perform compared to silicon-carbide equivalents. So 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) devised two 650-V, 15-A switching supplies using SiC and GaN to see how they compared. In an interview conducted by WTWH Media’s Lee Teschler, Jim Witham explains the differences that emerged in this…

Design Power Electronics: HF Power Semiconductor Modeling

Download PDF Now > This webinar sponsored by Keysight Technologies and given by Dr. Ingmar Kallfass provides a new workflow for projects that include modeling and characterization of components and devices such as GaN transistors, electro-thermal co-simulation, and integration of GaN into power electronic circuits.

台達與BMW i VENTURES一起參與加入作為氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司的策略投資者

2017年12月11日,加拿大安大略省渥太華 – 作為全球氮化鎵功率半導體行業的領先企業氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司日前宣布,全球電源系統行業的領導者 台達已決定與BMW i Ventures一起參與加入作為氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司的策略投資者。氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司計劃利用這筆新投入的資金來拓展全球銷售通路並加速新產品的創新,以幫助客戶降低整體系統成本,增加營業額並擴張市場的佔有率。 今天的新聞發布是繼BMW i Ventures,BDC Capital,Chrysalix Venture Capital,Cycle Capital Management,RockPort Capital和Tsing Capital等知名策略投資者之後的最新投資訊息。 BMW i Ventures公司常務董事Uwe Higgen表示:“這項投資重申了氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司正在創造最節能的電力電子與電源系統的未來發展,繼續不懈努力。 同時也正在開創一種新的方式來設計和創造更輕,更小的電源系統,同時提供更有效和最可靠的電源轉換技術。 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司的首席執行官Jim Witham表示:“在過去的十年中,氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司已經實現了將公司經營成為全球最大的氮化鎵功率晶體管製造商和全球氮化鎵功率器件市場領先廠商的目標。我們很榮幸有台達加入我們作為一個策略性的企業投資者。有著台達和BMW i Ventures的策略投資合作夥伴,這是一個巨大的信心,能將氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司的技術領先地位與策略投資者相結合,而正在朝著解決電力轉換浪費能源的普遍問題邁出重要的一步。 這項策略合作投資,將是氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司的特殊一年且是重要的里程碑,將與客戶一起歷經市場的快速增長,尤其是Notebook電源適配器,計算機伺服器電源和工業電機馬達控制應用的需求日益增長。氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司的解決方案使致力於開發更高效率的電力電子與電源系統,以減少全球的電力能源消耗。透過更高效能的系統開發,能夠提供最先進的解決方案應用在消費電子,數據中心,工業控制,電動車運輸和無線充電市場。 對於氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司,我們的策略投資合作夥伴不論是台達和BMW i Ventures,以及我們在世界各地的客戶 – 共同的目標是透過解決他們的電力電源系統的挑戰改變當今一些最苛刻的行業的經濟。 關於氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)公司 氮化镓系统…


OTTAWA, Ontario, December 11, 2017 – 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), the global leader in GaN power semiconductors, has announced that Delta, the worldwide leader in power systems, has joined BMW i Ventures in participation of a strategic investment in 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems). 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) plans to use the funding to expand global sales and accelerate…

The Top 2018 Trends Impacting the World’s Power and Energy Footprint – Challenges Will Be Met by A Wave of Power Systems Designed to Be Lighter, Smaller, and More Efficient

OTTAWA, ONTARIO, December 6, 2017 – Power – creating more efficient uses is one of the most pressing challenges in the 21st century. We live in an increasingly data and energy driven world that is following a clear trajectory of increasing reliance on and proliferation of data centers, electric vehicles, renewable energy, powerful industrial motors,…

“It Ain’t So Hard…” by Larry Spaziani

GaN is seen as a new technology in a new package with new characteristics. While it may not be new to some, for those who are unfamiliar to GaN’s innovation, the clock’s ticking and their competitors are developing systems with GaN. For some people, the fear of the unknown is intimidating at best. These individuals…


GaN Power Transistors Take Top Honors At 2017 ECN Impact Awards

GaN power transistors are changing the world and building a reputation as a technology that is enabling high performance, high efficiency, and lower cost power systems. They save millions of watts of power, enable new technologies, and enhance the quality of life – from improving the quality of air we breathe by lowering CO2 emissions…


氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)’ Eval Board Simplifies MegaHertz Power

Audio Speakers, lasers, and DC-DC wireless chargers hit record performance with GaN OTTAWA, Ontario – October 19, 2017 – From Beethoven to Beyoncé and from the Allman Brothers to ZZ Top, your music sounds better with higher highs, lower lows, and less harmonic distortion. From heavy-duty industrial cutting lasers to delicate, precise medical lasers, the…


Global Leaders Collaborate on GaN Technology

OTTAWA, Ontario – October 2, 2017 – The world is challenged with unsustainable increases in power consumption, combating climate change, implementing cleantech technologies and meeting green, CO2 reduction initiatives. Taiwanese electronics manufacturers work at the forefront of these efforts. To meet these challenges, 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), the world’s leading provider of gallium nitride (GaN) power…

Critical Transient Processes Of Enhancement-Mode Gan HEMTs

In High-Efficiency And High-Reliability Applications Download Now > Wide-bandgap devices, such as silicon-carbide metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) and gallium-nitride high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), exhibit an excellent figure of merits compared to conventional silicon devices. This paper focuses on 650V/30~60A enhancement-mode GaN HEMTs provided by 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), analytically models its switching behaviors, summarizes the…