AC vs DC Battery Storage Explained
This brief article published by Solar Choice explains the differences between AC and DC battery storage systems and presents their respective advantages and disadvantages. Read the article.
This brief article published by Solar Choice explains the differences between AC and DC battery storage systems and presents their respective advantages and disadvantages. Read the article.
This Power Systems Design article authored by EPC’s Drs. Glaser and Reusch compares dead-time losses for eGaN FETs and silicon MOSFETs in synchronous rectifiers. The benefits of GaN over silicon are detailed. Read the article.
This brief article published by Green Energy Storage projects the total MW capacity for battery energy storage systems by application type. Market revenue projections are made by year through 2023. Read the article. G-Philos’ 700W GaN-based ESS is 30% smaller, and consumes 25% less power than their silicon version
2015年12月1日,安大略省渥太华 – 氮化镓能源晶体管的领先制造商GaN Systems公司宣布,其代工厂台积电(TMSC)已将基于GaN System专有的IslandTechnology®的产品的批量生产的产能扩大了10倍,以应对来自全球激增的消费者和企业客户的需求。 GaN Systems拥有业界最广泛,最全面的GaN能源晶体管产品组合,其中100V和650V GaN FET均已大批量供货。 基于GaN Systems的Island技术并使用TSMC的GaN fab工艺的晶体管拥有业界最佳的性能和优异的表现,其可以轻松超越世界上最高性能的硅功率半导体,是最新的碳化硅器件和具有竞争力氮化镓产品。 台积电氮化镓工艺与GaN Systems专有的Island Technology设计通过GaNPX™封装而结合并得到了进一步增强,该封装表现出高电流处理能力,极低的电感和出色的热性能。 GaN Systems的能源开关晶体管继续保持氮化镓市场的领导地位,提供同类最佳的100V和650V器件,并推动了从更薄的电视到更大范围的电动汽车的产品创新。 台积电业务管理副总裁Sajiv Dalal表示:“我们很高兴确认,我们与GaN Systems的合作带来了氮化镓从概念到可靠性测试再到批量生产的保证。” GaN Systems总裁Girvan Patterson补充说:“ GaN已成为首选的功率半导体解决方案。 智能移动设备,超薄电视,游戏机,汽车系统和其他大批量产品已采用GaN晶体管作为支持电源技术进行了设计, 因此,相应设备的大量供应能力迫在眉睫。通过使用我们已获专利的Island Technology,我们已经设计并提供了可广泛采用的GaN电源解决方案,该解决方案大大超出了硅器件所展现的性能标准。 因此,经过三年的合作,我们很高兴正式宣布与台积电(TSMC)的合作,台积电是全球领先的第三方半导体制造公司,也是整个行业质量和服务的代名词。” GaN Systems自2008年开始了交付大量高度可靠的接近芯片级封装的GaN晶体管的征途。 该公司成立的使命是基于Island Technology开发低成本,高可靠性的GaN-on-Silicon产品,一种创建岛的方法,可减轻电迁移,减小芯片模具尺寸,并以高产量实现超高电流器件。 将Island Technology与台积电(TSMC)的硅上GaN制造技术结合,使GaN Systems能够在2014年中期向市场交付高可用,高性能,常关型晶体管。 这使能源存储,企业和消费者市场中的全球电力系统制造商能够设计,开发,测试并将更强大,更轻便,更小巧的新产品推向市场来获得竞争优势。为满足客户在2016年对高GaN产量不断增长的需求,台积电致力于量产的承诺十分及时。
Company expands sales and support to Israeli customers OTTAWA, Ontario, February 17, 2016 – 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), the leading manufacturer of gallium nitride power transistors, announces it has entered into an agreement with Eastronics, the largest distributor of high technology products in Israel. With this agreement, 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) further extends its global product sales…
Unprecedented 2.6 kW/l, >97% efficient, ultra-compact, lighter EV charger made with GaN transistors OTTAWA, Ontario – Automotive electronics specialist HELLA, in collaboration with 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), the leading manufacturer of gallium nitride power transistors, and charging technology researchers at Kettering University’s Advanced Power Electronics Lab, have developed a Level-2 electric vehicle (EV) charger prototype with…
Agreement aligns expansion efforts in gallium nitride adoption for power-conversion applications May, 2016 – Geneva, Ill.: Richardson RFPD, Inc. today announced an agreement with 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, Richardson RFPD will sell 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)’ GaN on Si power devices on a global basis, excluding Israel. 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems)…
氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems) teams with the UK EPSRC Power Electronics Centre to accelerate the use of high speed GaN transistors in future power conversion or control applications Nottingham, England – At a ceremony held at the EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics Annual Conference 2016 in Nottingham, England, a post-graduate team from Imperial College London received…
At APEC 2016 it became abundantly clear to the industry that GaN transistors are here, they’re now, and they’re proliferating. 氮化镓系统 (GaN Systems), EPC, Transphorm, Panasonic, Infineon, Texas Instruments, and other manufacturers and developers all displayed GaN products in varying readiness, from existing only on PowerPoint slides to actual customer production units. It’s been fascinating to…
EDN describes how GaN is outperforming silicon in power management applications. This article describes how GaN transistors enabled CE+T’s Red Electrical Devils team to design the tour de force inverter that won Google’s Little Box Challenge. Their inverter produced a power density of 143 W/cubic inch in 14 cubic inches, outperforming the Little Box Challenge…